Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Calling He-Man: The Long Awaited Union of Skeletor and Bikers has arrive

The McCain camp has slammed Obama repeatedly for his "rock-star" status in the media. In retiliation, McCain took the high route- encouraging his wife, Skeletor, to become a stripper!!

That's right, folks, the 72-year old encouraged his He-Man nemesis spouse to run for Miss Buffalo Chip, at a biker rally in Sturgis, South Dakota two days ago. The contest, affectionately named after wild game excrement, is known to include Girls Gone Wild- levels of toplessness, an incessant parade of thong underwear, and other lewd behavior. The bikers, with their hogs faithfully beside them, cheered and leered at the concept of seeing the potential First Lady in her skeevies. Good to know you have won over the hearts of meth addicts everywhere, McCain camp!

Just like those fucking Ruskies, McCains on those damn feminists: they've have been lying all along!!! Women should be reserved for birthing babies and selling their bodies to unwashed miscreants to help your politicial campaign.

In related news, the next Republican fundraiser will be Cindy McCain gang bang.